Director: Alexander Shields
Cameraman: Eric Courtney
Post-production: Tian Lan

This is a new CGTN channel promo that addresses our tagline "See the Difference". We want to show our audience the importance of observing things in various perspectives. What you see initially may not be the same as what you think. Things change constantly and it's crucial to take a deeper and more comprehensive look before you give it a definition. We hope you enjoy watching it!
Special thanks to Freda Lee-McCann, who's the original Artist of all the art work in this promo. She's also the model in this promo and had help us tremendously during the shoot.
______________________________________________________________________________________________The original artwork from Freda. We took a still of it so it could be very helpful when we are doing the animation& camera movements in post production. 
We added some color treatments and graphic elements on the original art in post production to bring more life to it for TV audiences. 
Freda wrote us the tagline in Chinese on a separate paper so can add it in the final shot in post. We also took a lot of stills of the phonebooks she used so we can keep the style consistent.
Thanks for watching!
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